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Guide to Shrooms: Exploring Psilocybin Mushrooms 101
The greatest power we have is our Knowledge. The power that you hold is sacred and unique to your inner BEing. Love will manifest as you travel and heal parts of you that have been neglected.
For centuries, magic mushrooms have been cultivated and shared amongst Shamans & Mystics & even Royalty. It would induce these leaders state of consciousness providing Wisdom & Clarity amongst other Deep Knowledge.
These states of consciousness is ultimately our Subconscious being activated at a much deeper level. Our subconscious is made of many programs and behaviors. Most of these programs being downloaded into us at the age from 0-7 years old. FUN FACT: We live out our day-to-day using 95% of what was programmed in us from 0-7 yrs old including thought forms & habits.
And let’s admit it, there can be some things we want to un-download from our behavior and thoughts. That’s where some reflection & child-like fun comes in- to remind us that life IS NOT all that serious & that separation is all an illusion.
I’m new to this and wondering what the recommended Microdose is?
Everyone is different and it really depends on your tolerance level. If you smoke weed, your body is already use to psychoactives. Start Low & Go Slow! Starting out with 10mg is always safe. Sweeder capsules are around 2mg and with Ashwagandha. At this level, reports are
I’ve done shrooms before, how many can I take?
If you’re not new to this, ask yourself what you are wanting to accomplish. Here is all about intent and what you want to do with the experience. A solid half gram always gets a mellow high that still makes you social. Once, you get to the 1 gram you may need that select few people around and only good vibes.
Should I eat before?
It’s recommended to have something light in your stomach. Nothing greasy, fatty, carby, or processed. Avoid seafood and any other animal by-product. Natural fruits & veggies will be just fine. Even a fruit smoothie or a fresh chopped salad with ginger (easy on the oil in the dressing). Ginger will aid any nausea associated with this experience, it’s better to be prepared. Once you get up to bigger doses, and deeper spiritual practices- it’s best to have an empty stomach. Food is a human need and will only weigh down the spirit.
What time is best to take it? How long will I be effected?
It’s best to take it mid-day, earlier is best rather than at night. UNLESS you’re doing spiritual practices! Otherwise, note the ‘high’ will last on average 4-6 hours on a micro-dose. A bigger dose like 1.5-3.5 grams will last 6-8 hours. So mind your time. UPDATE: Reports show that taking a dose before bed also imporves the brain functions. While you’re sleeping the subconscious is at work- downloading and programming. This time would make it ideal to have the fungus coursing through at this time. Don’t feel like you’re wasting your experience if you fall asleep. Sometimes that’s what the spirit wants – rest and for you to tap into your dream state.
What should I do?
Everyone is different when it comes to activities. My best recommendation is to go out for a nature hike or walk by the beach. This plant medicine is of nature and as it courses through your body it wants to experience nature in a different form- through YOU! So have a nice walk. And let someone that you’ve known for a while and can trust, know what you’re doing and where you’re going 🙂 . Also, check out my infographic below on tips on what to do 😉 .

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