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Empower Your Journey: Exploring the First Steps to Self-Love by PiaMinds
From the desk of PiaMinds…
First, learn to recognize what triggers your anxiety – it may be fear of meeting and talking to new people, traveling alone, fear of heights, talking with your boss about a raise, worrying about the future, etc.
If you are unsure of what triggers you, keep a Feelings & Emotions Journal and record situations, symptoms and thoughts that make you feel uneasy, overwhelmed, helpless, useless, nauseated, unable to sleep, etc. Try to identify specific thought distortions; bias thinking is often a result of anxiety associated with cognitive dissonance.
Second, most important lesson to learn is that fear will continuously reoccur and show-up until you can apologize to yourself, and simply allow your feelings to move through you rather than constantly fighting against them. The best method of tackling your biggest fear is perhaps the most obvious by marching straight into them. Do not allow yourself to become a slave to your thoughts; master them instead by challenging the negative ones. Your ego loves to run the show, but to overcome your biggest fears, you can’t allow it to take center stage.
Last, but certainly not least be accepting of the paradoxical nature that in order to overcome anxiety one must become a willing participant and accept you will become anxious. You can’t get past it if you aren’t willing to go through it which means you will need to learn techniques, i.e. destressing, belly-breathing, acupressure, etc., Once you come through this personal journey you will transform from the ashes of the former-self likened to a phoenix which represents transformation or strength from renewal.
Practical Tips that Involve Challenging Self
Challenge your negative thinking. There is always a different way to view things and perspectives to examine. Look at the evidence for and against your negative thoughts and perhaps if associated with personal past experiences. Challenge these thoughts. Ask yourself “what kind of advice would I give a friend?” by continuously examining the other’s perspective one can learn to understand the mechanisms to be discerned.
Challenge your analytical mind:
• Help your technology help you, use an app like 2048 to keep your mathematical mind sharp.
• Become a student again, attend workshops or free online courses.
• Take up a new hobby.
Challenge your problem-solving mind:
• Help your technology help you, use an app like Word With Friends and sharpen your skills.
• Play a board or a card game to sharpen your mind – takes at least 20 minutes to create new associations.
• Become a renaissance man or woman.
Challenge your worrying mind:
• Help your technology help you, use an exercise app or pay-to-lose app and get motivated.
• Get your brain and blood pumping, take a walk or just dance, high cardio exercises will re-energize you.
• Learn an instrument.
• Take up music as a hobby.
Other ways to Challenge your brain:
• Go museum hopping or go for short drives or long trips.
• Try new things daily – like a recipe.
• Live in the moment.
The brain besides its love for problem-solving sometimes gets carried away and tries to solve problems that don’t even exist yet, and as it gets carried away it creates a fear that really does not yet exist, it only exists within one’s energetic layers of the manifesting anxiety until we make it so real by obsessing over every dimensional thought of the fear itself. When thinking of ways to overcome your biggest fears, try to remember that what you give the most energy to, will inevitably manifest.
Practical Tips to Evolve Your Busy Mind
How many times a day do we fixate on our thoughts until we feel paralyzed by them, and even find excuses for them? Probably far too often. If you have too much time on your hands, your mind will need something to keep it busy.
• For those with a spatial disorder, take small breaks by setting an hourly timer to evaluate if you are still focused.
• Train your brain to focus, check on your hourly goal if you have deviated, journal the entry.
• Read slowly, even if you have to re-read it, highlight it, write it down and put it into your own words, till you understand its meaning.
• Take smaller steps and tackle one task at a time, it’s better to have one task in perfect working order than a million unfinished items.
• Practice Mindfulness and Meditation.
• Stop multitasking, you cannot do a million things at once and expect them all to be perfect.
• Focus on compassion, love, and positive things about your life, you will start to see more of that showing up.
• Create Lists, Goals, Themes, Projects, Musings and work on these in small daily increments.
• Track your progress using a timeline and get active in your life.
Practical Tips to Challenge Fear
Practice your fear. Identify some of the situations that are bothering you. Visualize in detail facing the fear and getting through it. Then gradually practice doing something that you fear doing. Your fears are generally worse than their reality.
• Pay attention to what you can control.
• Start with the basics, diet, sleep, and exercise.
• Build your willpower, try intermittent fasting or something that will cause you to force a change.
• Block out 20 minutes during the day to face one of your fears, i.e., visit a library and check out what is going on around your community and engage in 20 minutes of socialization.
• You can’t grow in life unless you learn to power through your fears despite how very real they might seem, continuously challenge each of your fears. Use a belly-breathing technique to power through.
• Always keep in mind that exposure is practice with fear, and do nothing to oppose, avoid, or distract from the fear during exposure. Remind yourself you have the option to remain the silent observer in any situation and you own the power to find calmness at any point of the exercise.
• Name your phobias and conquer them, create a calendar and set a goal for each season.
• Find time to hang-out with family and friends, that make you feel very comfortable and natural to be around. Act silly and learn to be genuine.
• Being natural is an antidote to ego and regular practice of meditation brings you back to your nature.
• Practice Meditation-20 minutes during the day-find the right environment with a Solfeggio Binaural Beat.
To be truly free is to know oneself,
from darkness comes light, and
light overcomes the darkness.
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I am neither a Physician nor a Yoga Instructor. I am simply an enthusiast with much life experience passing on acquired knowledge for those who are looking for information. By no means should Meditation or Binuaral/Isochronic Tones be replaced for proper medical care.

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