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Unlocking Amethyst’s Magic: Crystal Know-How 101
Amethyst : The Stone Everyone MUST Have In Their Collection!
Color: Shades of lavender and violet ranging from deep to pale purple. 💜
Ruling Chakra: Crown👑
Care: Fades in direct sunlight and works fine with water.💦
Birthstone Month: February 🏺
Zodiac: Aquarius ♒
When working with your crown chakra you need the right tools.
The best tools out here are none other than crystal’s and the best crystal to work with your crown chakra is Amethyst.
A stone of protection, this stone helps us unplug from unhealthy attachments and powerfully cleanses the body, mind and Aura from negative or addictive patterns.
Healing from a traumatic addictive pattern from your past life?
The stone creates a bubble of protective light around people and spaces. This crystal being very helpful for insomnia and dreams. Having vivid dreams? Sleep with this under your pillow this stone magically enhances your dreams making astral travelling a part of your sleep routine. A stone of transcendence and transformation, Amethyst heightens psychic powers and will strengthen your connection to All Things Mystical and Magical!
Are you starting a small business and have entrepreneur qualities? Keep this lovely purple maiden close by to attract good and prosperous business!💲💲💲
How about struggling with acne?
Make this a part of your beauty routine! Lay with it on your face while meditating or charge your creams and face serums with Amethyst and watch Your Soul Glow!
Speaking of meditating…. Want to enhance your spiritual session? Or just having trouble getting in touch with self? Create a crystal grid around your crown chakra (head) and feel the purple power raise your vibration!
Stay Wise & Loved!
Knowledge Is Power & Sharing Shows Love!
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Check out the shop for your very own handmade Amethyst Bracelet to keep the positive vibes at hand!
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